Di Chem. Dept, ada empat guru. Dua lelaki. Dua perempuan.
Satu yang perempuan, Dr. G, tipical wanita kuat, cerdas, dan sangat pe-de. Hingga sehari-hari, cenderung intimidated dan mudah memandang rendah siapa saja yang kebetulan tidak secerdas doski. Doi dah berusia sekitar 60 tahun, well off dan menikamati hidup banget lah.
Kek kek kek.
Tapi, mah aye nolak untuk kurang pe-de di depan beliau. Karena, gimana-gimana juga, saya Muslim, he he he.
At one point, dia bicara agenda dia siang itu, hairdresser.Potong rambut.
"Maimon, how long is your hair?"
"Quite long...." Sambil mengindikasikan panjangnya. "Before married to my husband, I used to have ......, but........"
"What's the colour?"
"Do you always wear that at home as wel?" Menunjuk jilbab.
"Ofcourse not, Jenny. I'll die if I have to wear it 24 hrs, 7 a week." (Nggak mati-mati banget sih...paling mati kutu, he he heOr kutunya yang mati, nggak bisa bernafas, ha ha ha)
"So, you do open it at home."
Ya lah.
"What do you wear at home then?"
"Nice dress."
"What kind of?"
Walah...ini mah...
"Like yours."
"Really?" Mata membulat. Bajunya lengan pndeka dengan rok selutut.
"Do you have minidress as well?"
"Yes I do." (Sering juga dipake pas summer)
"How short?"
Ampuun deh. I think I know why this is that type of question. Let's kill it!!
"I have that short....and that short..." Meningindikasikan. "And Jen, I wear make up as well." (Jaraaaang sih....sekali setahun juga nggak. Setelah Wafa lahir belum pernah lagi pake lipstik, kek kek)
"Wow. Do you do your hair as well?"
Kalau maksudnya disisir dan dijalin mah iya...."Yes."
"Gosh. I am glad. I am very glad Maimon." Matanya berbinar-binar. Dalam hatinya, kali Maimon tak selalu lusuh...
"I am not every time dowdy, Jenny. I have my moment as well." Ketawa-tawa.
Jenny masih menatap antusias.
"So your kids knows that...you know..."
"Oh yeah. Soon I enter the house, open this jilbab."
"What's the name again?"
"Yup. When we are ready to go somewhere one of them may get me the jilbab in order to rush me."
"But, you always have different kind of...jilbab isn't it?"
"Yep. Depend on the colour." (Sering nggak macthing juga seh)
"Why don't you put make up when you are going out as well? There is nothing wrong, isn't it?"
"I don't want other man notice."
Jenny terperangah. Tersentak.
"So tha'ts why..."
"Yes." Ah, society yang di mana women dress to kill, to get a bit of flirtation there and there.
Jenny agak lama terdiam. As if shrugging something. "Well I like my sun, you know. Whenever the sun appear, I just want to throw away my things." Maksudnya berpakaian seadanya. "Is not it hot for you?"
"Sometimes. Especially in my country. But you get used to it. No trouble at all."
Dalam batin berdoa semoga satu ketika dia melihat indahnya Islam, indahnya hubungan suami dan istri yang dilandasi iman...Amiin.